I was commissioned by the NY Hall of Science for the “Re-Make the Holidays” event. We designed an interactive video installation where electronic sensors embedded in everyday products would glitch,…
I was commissioned by the NY Hall of Science for the “Re-Make the Holidays” event. We designed an interactive video installation where electronic sensors embedded in everyday products would glitch,…
The First AlChemical Bank of Public Square was a public art project executed in conjunction with the Occupy movement of Fall 2011, in Watertown NY. Setting up a gift economy…
http://bushwicksilenceclub.tumblr.com/ The Bushwick Silence Club is dedicated to sitting in silence and staring at the wall. We do not talk, fidget, or think. We do, nothing, in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Our…
Hybrid inflatable, augmented reality sculpture For the 2011 Bushwick Open Studios, Sean McIntyre, Jenn Park and myself made a giant inflatable rainbow that vomited out of our 3rd story kitchen…